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MannTriangulator - Class in org.cell2d.celick.geom
A 2D Triangulator.
MannTriangulator() - Constructor for class org.cell2d.celick.geom.MannTriangulator
Creates a new instance of Triangulator0
MannTriangulator.PointBag - Class in org.cell2d.celick.geom
A bag/pool of point objects
MaskUtil - Class in org.cell2d.celick.util
A utility to provide full screen masking
MaskUtil() - Constructor for class org.cell2d.celick.util.MaskUtil
MAX_BUTTONS - Static variable in class org.cell2d.control.ControllerButtonControl
The maximum number of buttons on each controller that Cell2D recognizes.
MAX_CONTROLLERS - Static variable in class org.cell2d.control.ControllerControl
The maximum number of controllers that Cell2D recognizes.
MAX_POINTS - Variable in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.GeomUtil
The maximum number of points returned by an operation - prevents full lockups
MAX_POINTS - Static variable in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.renderer.QuadBasedLineStripRenderer
Maximum number of points allowed in a single strip
MAX_VERTS - Static variable in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.renderer.VAOGLRenderer
The maximum number of vertices draw in one batch
maxX - Variable in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Shape
The right most point of this shape
maxY - Variable in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Shape
The bottom most point of this shape
minX - Variable in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Shape
The left most point of this shape.
minY - Variable in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Shape
The top most point of this shape.
MobileObject - Class in
A MobileObject is a SpaceObject that can simulate continuous movement through its SpaceState's space.
MobileObject() - Constructor for class
Constructs a MobileObject with no locator Hitbox.
mobileObjectIterator() - Method in class
Returns a new SafeIterator over this SpaceState's list of MobileObjects.
MODE_ADD - Static variable in class org.cell2d.celick.Graphics
Draw adding the existing colour to the new colour
MODE_ALPHA_BLEND - Static variable in class org.cell2d.celick.Graphics
Draw using the alpha blending
MODE_ALPHA_MAP - Static variable in class org.cell2d.celick.Graphics
Draw to the alpha map
MODE_COLOR_MULTIPLY - Static variable in class org.cell2d.celick.Graphics
Draw multiplying the source and destination colours
MODE_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.cell2d.celick.Graphics
The normal drawing mode
MODE_SCREEN - Static variable in class org.cell2d.celick.Graphics
Draw blending the new image into the old one by a factor of it's colour
MorphShape - Class in org.cell2d.celick.geom
A shape that morphs between a set of other shapes
MorphShape(Shape) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.celick.geom.MorphShape
Create a new mighty morphin shape
MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON - Static variable in class org.cell2d.control.MouseButtonControl
MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON - Static variable in class org.cell2d.control.MouseButtonControl
MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON - Static variable in class org.cell2d.control.MouseButtonControl
MouseButtonControl - Class in org.cell2d.control
A MouseButtonControl is a Control that represents a button on the mouse.
MouseButtonControl(int) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.control.MouseButtonControl
Constructs a MouseButtonControl that represents the mouse button with the specified button code.
moveToward(CellVector, long) - Method in class
Sets this MobileObject's velocity to send it moving toward the specified point at the specified speed.
moveToward(long, long, long) - Method in class
Sets this MobileObject's velocity to send it moving toward the specified point at the specified speed.
mul(long, long) - Static method in class org.cell2d.Frac
Returns the product of the two specified fracunit-scale numbers.
Music - Class in org.cell2d
A Music track is a piece of music that can be played in the background of a CellGame.
Music(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.Music
Constructs a Music track from an audio file.
Music(String, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.Music
Constructs a Music track from an audio file.
musicIsAtPriority(int, Music) - Method in class org.cell2d.CellGame
Returns whether the specified Music track is assigned to the specified priority in this CellGame's music stack.
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