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calculateRadius() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Circle
calculateRadius() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Ellipse
calculateRadius() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Point
calculateRadius() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Shape
Calculate the radius of a circle that can completely enclose this shape.
calculateTriangles() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Shape
Calculate the triangles that can fill this shape
call() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.SlickCallable
Cause this callable to perform it's GL operations (@see performGLOperations()).
cancelBindToCommand() - Method in class org.cell2d.CellGame
Cancels this CellGame's instruction to bind the next valid Control pressed to a specified command, if it has been instructed to do so.
cancelTypingString() - Method in class org.cell2d.CellGame
Instructs this CellGame to stop interpreting inputs as typing a String, if it was doing so, and consider the typing canceled.
canSecondaryColor() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.renderer.ImmediateModeOGLRenderer
canSecondaryColor() - Method in interface org.cell2d.celick.opengl.renderer.SGL
canTextureMirrorClamp() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.renderer.ImmediateModeOGLRenderer
canTextureMirrorClamp() - Method in interface org.cell2d.celick.opengl.renderer.SGL
Check if the mirror clamp extension is available
ceil(long) - Static method in class org.cell2d.Frac
Returns the smallest fracunit-scale integer that is greater than or equal to the specified fracunit-scale number.
CellGame - Class in org.cell2d
A CellGame is a game made with Cell2D.
CellGame(String, int, int, int, int, double, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.CellGame
Constructs a CellGame.
CellVector - Class in org.cell2d
A CellVector represents a point in continuous space as a two-dimensional vector.
CellVector() - Constructor for class org.cell2d.CellVector
Constructs a CellVector that represents the origin.
CellVector(CellVector) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.CellVector
Constructs a CellVector that represents the specified point.
CellVector(long, long) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.CellVector
Constructs a CellVector that represents the specified point.
CellVector(double) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.CellVector
Constructs a CellVector that represents the point on the unit circle at the specified angle from the origin.
center - Variable in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Shape
Center point of the polygon.
centerX - Variable in class org.cell2d.celick.Image
The x coordinate of the centre of rotation
centerY - Variable in class org.cell2d.celick.Image
The y coordinate of the centre of rotation
changeAngle(double) - Method in class org.cell2d.CellVector
Changes this CellVector's angle by the specified amount while retaining its magnitude.
changeAngle(double) - Method in class
Changes this SpaceObject's angle of rotation by the specified amount.
changePosition(CellVector, boolean) - Method in class
Changes this MobileObject's position by the specified amount.
changePosition(long, long, boolean) - Method in class
Changes the coordinates of this MobileObject's position by the specified amounts.
changePosition(CellVector) - Method in class
Changes this SpaceObject's position by the specified amount.
changePosition(long, long) - Method in class
Changes the coordinates of this SpaceObject's position by the specified amounts.
changeRelAngle(double) - Method in class
Changes this Hitbox's relative angle of rotation by the specified amount.
changeRelPosition(CellVector) - Method in class
Changes this Hitbox's relative position by the specified amount.
changeRelPosition(long, long) - Method in class
Changes the coordinates of this Hitbox's relative position by the specified amounts.
changeRelX(long) - Method in class
Changes the x-coordinate of this Hitbox's relative position by the specified amount.
changeRelY(long) - Method in class
Changes the y-coordinate of this Hitbox's relative position by the specified amount.
changeStep(CellVector) - Method in class
Changes this MobileObject's step by the specified amount.
changeStep(long, long) - Method in class
Changes this MobileObject's step by the specified amount.
changeStepX(long) - Method in class
Changes the x-component of this MobileObject's step by the specified amount.
changeStepY(long) - Method in class
Changes the y-component of this MobileObject's step by the specified amount.
changeX(long, boolean) - Method in class
Changes the x-coordinate of this MobileObject's position by the specified amount.
changeX(long) - Method in class
Changes the x-coordinate of this SpaceObject's position by the specified amount.
changeY(long, boolean) - Method in class
Changes the y-coordinate of this MobileObject's position by the specified amount.
changeY(long) - Method in class
Changes the y-coordinate of this SpaceObject's position by the specified amount.
channels - Variable in class org.cell2d.celick.openal.OggData
The number of channels in the sound file
charDeletedActions(T, char) - Method in class org.cell2d.GameState
Actions for this GameState to take immediately after a character is deleted from its CellGame's typed String.
charTypedActions(T, char) - Method in class org.cell2d.GameState
Actions for this GameState to take immediately after a character is typed to its CellGame's typed String.
checkPoints() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Shape
Check the dirty flag and create points as necessary.
checkVerboseLogSetting() - Static method in class org.cell2d.celick.util.Log
Check if the system property celick.verboseLog is set to true.
Circle - Class in org.cell2d.celick.geom
A simple Circle geometry
Circle(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Circle
Create a new circle based on its radius
Circle(float, float, float, int) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Circle
Create a new circle based on its radius
CircleHitbox - Class in
A CircleHitbox is a circular Hitbox with its origin at its center.
CircleHitbox(CellVector, long) - Constructor for class
Constructs a CircleHitbox with the specified relative position and radius.
CircleHitbox(long, long, long) - Constructor for class
Constructs a CircleHitbox with the specified relative position and radius.
clampTexture() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.Image
Clamp the loaded texture to it's edges
ClasspathLocation - Class in org.cell2d.celick.util
A resource location that searches the classpath
ClasspathLocation() - Constructor for class org.cell2d.celick.util.ClasspathLocation
clear() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.MannTriangulator.PointBag
Clear all the points from this bag
clear() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.NeatTriangulator
Clear the triangulator status
clear() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.Graphics
Clear the graphics context
clear(String) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.InternalTextureLoader
Remove a particular named image from the cache
clear() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.InternalTextureLoader
Clear out the cached textures
clear() - Method in class org.cell2d.CellVector
Resets this CellVector to represent the origin.
clear() - Method in class org.cell2d.util.ArrayMap
clear() - Method in class org.cell2d.util.ArraySet
clearAlphaMap() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.Graphics
Clear the state of the alpha map across the entire screen.
clearAnimInstances() - Method in class org.cell2d.GameState
Removes from this GameState all AnimationInstances that are currently assigned to it, with or without IDs.
clearAnimInstances() - Method in class
Removes from this SpaceObject all AnimationInstances that are currently assigned to it.
clearAssets() - Method in class
Removes all of this TiledConverter's cached pointers to the assets that it has converted from Tiled resources.
clearComponents() - Method in class
Removes all of this CompositeHitbox's component Hitboxes from it.
clearControls(int) - Method in class org.cell2d.CellGame
Unbinds all of the specified command's Controls from it.
clearEmptyCells() - Method in class
Removes any cells that no longer have SpaceObjects in them, freeing up the memory that they occupied.
clearFollowers() - Method in class
Removes all of this MobileObject's followers from it.
clearLayers() - Method in class
Removes from this SpaceState all SpaceLayers that are currently assigned to it.
clearLineages() - Method in class
Removes from their super-Thinkers all of the SpaceThinkers that are directly or indirectly assigned to this Thinker.
clearLineages() - Method in class org.cell2d.Thinker
Removes from their super-Thinkers all of the SubThinkers that are directly or indirectly assigned to this Thinker.
clearMusic() - Method in class org.cell2d.CellGame
Removes from this CellGame's music stack all Music tracks assigned to any priority, leaving the stack empty.
clearObjects() - Method in class
Removes from this SpaceState all of the SpaceObjects that are currently assigned to it.
clearSubThinkers() - Method in class
Removes from this ThinkerObject all of the SpaceThinkers that are currently assigned to it.
clearSubThinkers() - Method in class org.cell2d.Thinker
Removes from this Thinker all of the SubThinkers that are currently assigned to it.
clearVertices() - Method in class
Removes all of this PolygonHitbox's vertices.
clearViewports() - Method in class
Removes from this SpaceState all Viewports that are currently assigned to it.
clearWorldClip() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.Graphics
Clear world clipping setup.
clockwise() - Method in enum org.cell2d.Direction
Returns the Direction 90 degrees clockwise from this one.
close() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Path
Close the path to form a polygon
close() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.openal.OggInputStream
close() - Method in class org.cell2d.CellGame
Instructs this CellGame to close itself the next time it finishes a game logic update.
closed() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Curve
closed() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Line
closed() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Path
closed() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Polygon
closed() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Shape
True if this is a closed shape
closeRequested() - Method in interface org.cell2d.celick.Game
Notification that a game close has been requested
collide(SpaceObject, Direction) - Method in class
This MobileObject's response to colliding with a solid surface of the specified SpaceObject in the specified Direction.
collided() - Method in class
Returns whether this MobileObject collided with any solid surfaces during its last movement.
collided(Direction) - Method in class
Returns whether this MobileObject collided with any solid surfaces in the specified Direction during its last movement.
CollisionResponse - Enum in
A CollisionResponse is a possible response that a MobileObject can have to colliding with a solid surface.
color(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.renderer.DefaultLineStripRenderer
color(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface org.cell2d.celick.opengl.renderer.LineStripRenderer
Apply a colour to the next vertex
color(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.renderer.QuadBasedLineStripRenderer
Color - Class in org.cell2d
A Color represents a color in RGBA format.
Color(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.Color
Constructs a Color with the specified RGBA values.
Color(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.Color
Constructs a Color with the specified RGB values and an alpha value of 1.
Color(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.Color
Constructs a Color with the specified RGBA values, given as integers from 0 to 255.
Color(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.Color
Constructs a Color with the specified RGB values, given as integers from 0 to 255, and an alpha value of 1.
Color(Color) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.Color
Constructs a Color that shares the RGBA values of the specified java.awt.Color.
colorAt(Shape, float, float) - Method in interface org.cell2d.celick.ShapeFill
Get the colour that should be applied at the specified location
ColorFilter - Class in org.cell2d
A ColorFilter is a Filter that blends the RGB value of each pixel in the original image with that of a single Color that it uses.
ColorFilter(Color) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.ColorFilter
Constructs a ColorFilter that uses the specified Color.
ColorMapFilter - Class in org.cell2d
A ColorMapFilter is a Filter that uses a Map<Color,Color> to replace some RGB values with others in the filtered image.
ColorMapFilter(Map<Color, Color>) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.ColorMapFilter
Constructs a ColorMapFilter that uses a copy of the specified Map.
ColorMapFilter(Color, Color) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.ColorMapFilter
Constructs a ColorMapFilter with a Map that maps the specified key Color to the specified value Color.
ColorMultiplyFilter - Class in org.cell2d
A ColorMultiplyFilter is a Filter that multiplies the red, green, blue, and alpha values of each pixel in the original image with those of a single Color that it uses.
ColorMultiplyFilter(Color) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.ColorMultiplyFilter
Constructs a ColorMultiplyFilter that uses the specified Color.
ColorSpaceLayer - Class in
A ColorSpaceLayer is a type of SpaceLayer that fills the rendering region with a single Color.
ColorSpaceLayer(Color) - Constructor for class
Constructs a ColorSpaceLayer that displays the specified Color.
commandHeld(int) - Method in class org.cell2d.CellGame
Returns whether the specified command is being held this frame.
commandPressed(int) - Method in class org.cell2d.CellGame
Returns whether the specified command was pressed this frame.
commandReleased(int) - Method in class org.cell2d.CellGame
Returns whether the specified command was released this frame.
CompositeHitbox - Class in
A CompositeHitbox is a Hitbox that is composed of other Hitboxes whose positions, flipped statuses, and angles of rotation are all relative to those of the CompositeHitbox itself.
CompositeHitbox(CellVector) - Constructor for class
Constructs a CompositeHitbox with the specified relative position.
CompositeHitbox(long, long) - Constructor for class
Constructs a CompositeHitbox with the specified relative position.
CompositeImageData - Class in org.cell2d.celick.opengl
A composite data source that checks multiple loaders in order of preference
CompositeImageData() - Constructor for class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.CompositeImageData
CompositeIOException - Exception in org.cell2d.celick.opengl
A collection of IOException that failed image data loading
CompositeIOException() - Constructor for exception org.cell2d.celick.opengl.CompositeIOException
Create a new composite IO Exception
computeAngles() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.MannTriangulator.PointBag
Compute the angles for the points in this bag
concatenate(Transform) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Transform
Update this Transform by concatenating the given Transform to this one.
configureEdging(boolean) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.CompositeImageData
configureEdging(boolean) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.ImageIOImageData
configureEdging(boolean) - Method in interface org.cell2d.celick.opengl.LoadableImageData
Configure the edging that can be used to make texture edges loop more cleanly
configureEdging(boolean) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.PNGImageData
configureEdging(boolean) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.TGAImageData
contains(float, float) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Circle
Check if a point is contained by this circle
contains(Vector2f) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.MannTriangulator.PointBag
Check if the point provided was contained
contains(float, float) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Rectangle
Check if this rectangle contains a point
contains(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Rectangle
Check if a rectangle contains a point (static to use it everywhere)
contains(Shape) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Shape
Check if the shape passed is entirely contained within this shape.
contains(float, float) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Shape
Check if this polygon contains the given point
contains(Object) - Method in class org.cell2d.util.ArraySet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.cell2d.util.ArraySet
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.cell2d.util.ArrayMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.cell2d.util.ArrayMap
contour - Variable in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.MannTriangulator
The outer countour of the shape
Control - Class in org.cell2d.control
A Control represents a form of input that can be pressed, held, and released, such as a key, mouse button, or controller button.
Control() - Constructor for class org.cell2d.control.Control
ControllerButtonControl - Class in org.cell2d.control
A ControllerButtonControl is a ControllerControl that represents a button on a game controller.
ControllerButtonControl(int, int) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.control.ControllerButtonControl
Constructs a ControllerButtonControl that represents the button with the specified number on the controller with the specified number.
ControllerControl - Class in org.cell2d.control
A ControllerControl is a Control that represents an input on a game controller.
ControllerControl(int) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.control.ControllerControl
Constructs a ControllerControl that represents an input on the controller with the specified number.
ControllerDirectionControl - Class in org.cell2d.control
A ControllerDirectionControl is a ControllerControl that represents a Direction - up, down, left, or right - in which the primary axes of a game controller can be moved.
ControllerDirectionControl(int, Direction) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.control.ControllerDirectionControl
Constructs a ControllerDirectionControl that represents the specified Direction on the primary axes of the controller with the specified number.
copy() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Polygon
Provide a copy of this polygon
copy() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Vector2f
Return a copy of this vector
copy() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.Image
Get a copy of this image.
copyArea(Image, int, int) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.Graphics
Copy an area of the rendered screen into an image.
corners - Variable in class org.cell2d.celick.Image
The colours for each of the corners
counterclockwise() - Method in enum org.cell2d.Direction
Returns the Direction 90 degrees counterclockwise from this one.
countPoints() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.MannTriangulator.PointBag
Get the number of points in the bag
cover() - Method in class
cover() - Method in class
cover() - Method in class
Returns a list of non-overlapping rectangles that collectively overlap or "cover" all and only the grid cells in this TileGrid that are occupied by tiles.
cover() - Method in class
Returns a list of non-overlapping RectangleHitboxes, representing regions of the space in which this TileGridObject exists, that collectively overlap or "cover" all and only the grid cells in this TileGridObject's TileGrid that are occupied by tiles.
coverObjects(int, int, Object[][]) - Static method in class
Returns a list of non-overlapping rectangles that collectively overlap or "cover" all and only the non-null locations in the specified 2D object array.
coverPoints(Set<Point>) - Static method in class
Returns a list of non-overlapping rectangles that collectively overlap or "cover" all and only the points in the specified set.
create(URL) - Static method in class org.cell2d.celick.openal.WaveData
Creates a WaveData container from the specified url
create(String) - Static method in class org.cell2d.celick.openal.WaveData
Creates a WaveData container from the specified in the classpath
create(InputStream) - Static method in class org.cell2d.celick.openal.WaveData
Creates a WaveData container from the specified inputstream
create(byte[]) - Static method in class org.cell2d.celick.openal.WaveData
Creates a WaveData container from the specified bytes
create(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.cell2d.celick.openal.WaveData
Creates a WaveData container from the specified ByetBuffer.
create(AudioInputStream) - Static method in class org.cell2d.celick.openal.WaveData
Creates a WaveData container from the specified stream
createIntBuffer(int) - Static method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.InternalTextureLoader
Creates an integer buffer to hold specified ints - strictly a utility method
createIntBuffer(int) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.TextureImpl
Creates an integer buffer to hold specified ints - strictly a utility method
createPoints() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Curve
createPoints() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Ellipse
Generate the points to outline this ellipse.
createPoints() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Line
createPoints() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.MorphShape
createPoints() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Path
createPoints() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Point
createPoints() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Polygon
createPoints() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Rectangle
createPoints() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.RoundedRectangle
createPoints() - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Shape
Subclasses implement this to create the points of the shape.
createRotateTransform(float) - Static method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Transform
Create a new rotation Transform
createRotateTransform(float, float, float) - Static method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Transform
Create a new rotation Transform around the specified point
createScaleTransform(float, float) - Static method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Transform
Create an new scaling Transform
createTexture(int, int) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.InternalTextureLoader
Create an empty texture
createTexture(int, int, int) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.InternalTextureLoader
Create an empty texture
createTextureID() - Static method in class org.cell2d.celick.opengl.InternalTextureLoader
Create a new texture ID
createTranslateTransform(float, float) - Static method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Transform
Create a new translation Transform
cross(CellVector) - Method in class org.cell2d.CellVector
Returns the non-zero component in fracunits of the cross product of this CellVector and the specified one.
currentGraphics - Static variable in class org.cell2d.celick.Graphics
The last graphics context in use
CursorLoader - Class in org.cell2d.celick.opengl
A utility to load cursors (thanks go to Kappa for the animated cursor loader)
Curve - Class in org.cell2d.celick.geom
A beizer curve implementation.
Curve(Vector2f, Vector2f, Vector2f, Vector2f) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Curve
Create a new curve with the default segments (20)
Curve(Vector2f, Vector2f, Vector2f, Vector2f, int) - Constructor for class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Curve
Create a new curve
curveTo(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Path
Add a curve to the specified location (using the default segments 10)
curveTo(float, float, float, float, float, float, int) - Method in class org.cell2d.celick.geom.Path
Add a curve to the specified location (specifing the number of segments)
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