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nearestIntersectingSolidObject(CellVector, Hitbox, Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns this SpaceState's SpaceObject of the specified class whose solid Hitbox overlaps the specified Hitbox whose center is nearest to the specified point, or null if there is none.
nearestIntersectingSolidObject(long, long, Hitbox, Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns this SpaceState's SpaceObject of the specified class whose solid Hitbox overlaps the specified Hitbox whose center is nearest to the specified point, or null if there is none.
nearestObject(Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns the SpaceObject of the specified class that is nearest to this SpaceObject in its SpaceState - or null if this SpaceObject has no SpaceState, or its SpaceState contains no SpaceObject of that class.
nearestObject(CellVector, Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns this SpaceState's SpaceObject of the specified class whose center is nearest to the specified point, or null if this SpaceState has no SpaceObjects of that class.
nearestObject(long, long, Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns this SpaceState's SpaceObject of the specified class whose center is nearest to the specified point, or null if this SpaceState has no SpaceObjects of that class.
nearestObjectWithinCircle(CellVector, long, Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns the SpaceObject of the specified class within the specified circular region in this SpaceObject's SpaceState that is nearest to it - or null if this SpaceObject has no SpaceState, or the region contains no SpaceObject of that class.
nearestObjectWithinCircle(long, long, long, Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns the SpaceObject of the specified class within the specified circular region in this SpaceObject's SpaceState that is nearest to it - or null if this SpaceObject has no SpaceState, or the region contains no SpaceObject of that class.
nearestObjectWithinCircle(CellVector, CellVector, long, Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns this SpaceState's SpaceObject of the specified class within the specified circular region whose center is nearest to the specified point, or null if there is none.
nearestObjectWithinCircle(long, long, long, long, long, Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns this SpaceState's SpaceObject of the specified class within the specified circular region whose center is nearest to the specified point, or null if there is none.
nearestObjectWithinRadius(long, Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns the SpaceObject of the specified class within the specified radius of this SpaceObject in its SpaceState that is nearest to it - or null if there is none, or if this SpaceObject has no SpaceState.
nearestObjectWithinRectangle(long, long, long, long, Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns the SpaceObject of the specified class within the specified rectangular region in this SpaceObject's SpaceState that is nearest to it - or null if this SpaceObject has no SpaceState, or the region contains no SpaceObject of that class.
nearestObjectWithinRectangle(CellVector, long, long, long, long, Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns this SpaceState's SpaceObject of the specified class within the specified rectangular region whose center is nearest to the specified point, or null if there is none.
nearestObjectWithinRectangle(long, long, long, long, long, long, Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns this SpaceState's SpaceObject of the specified class within the specified rectangular region whose center is nearest to the specified point, or null if there is none.
nearestOverlappingObject(Hitbox, Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns the SpaceObject of the specified class that overlaps the specified Hitbox in this SpaceObject's SpaceState that is nearest to it - or null if this SpaceObject has no SpaceState, or no SpaceObject of that class is overlapping the Hitbox.
nearestOverlappingObject(CellVector, Hitbox, Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns this SpaceState's SpaceObject of the specified class that overlaps the specified Hitbox whose center is nearest to the specified point, or null if there is none.
nearestOverlappingObject(long, long, Hitbox, Class<O>) - Method in class
Returns this SpaceState's SpaceObject of the specified class that overlaps the specified Hitbox whose center is nearest to the specified point, or null if there is none.
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